Farewell to Julia

So the men in blue ties won out and Julia Gillard is our Prime Minister no more. There will be breast-beating, analysis, debate and miles of print lamenting the demise of Australia’s first female PM. But whatever the long term outcome, we should be grateful we finally got to have a woman in the top job in Australia. 

My concern is that, for the any number of reasons she is presumed to have been a ‘failure’ (and I dispute that very assumption), some will say, as they have in a previous era, that we can’t have a woman “because we had one already and she ruined it for the rest of them”. 

I believe she has made it easier. It is always the most challenging to be the first to break through that glass ceiling and the legacy Ms Gillard has left – for the country, for women and for the 21st century, must not be dismissed by those who would have us return to the darker days of patriarchy.

I am sorry that some of her supporters felt they had to turn against her at the last hurdle, but if it keeps the flame alive for the future, then so be it. 


One thought on “Farewell to Julia

  1. Australia has a serious shortage of quality politicians, both left and right !!

    And it’s such a shame Julia Gillard was cut down, not because of her performance, but because of the performance of others in spreading and promoting hatred.

    A shame, not because of her losing the job, but because of what hatred has done to Australian politics in general.

    For 2 years or more, most Oz media and the rabid Shock Jocks drenched the populous with brainwashing bile, marinating their heads with poisonous spin, whipping them into a frenzy, mouths dripping with venom and their heads full of hatred until they were so psyched up they actually believed the disgusting things being said.

    Hundreds of years ago, the Witchdoctor did something similar in whipping the young mindless warriors into a frenzy around the campfire before sending them off to attack a nearby tribe. They believed the Whitchdoctor.

    It worked then and it’s working today. But Julia didn’t deserve it. We are better than that, or should be.

    She has taken this hatred with her now, so the Witchdoctors will work fevorishly to “create” a similar intense hatred of Rudd.

    They really do intensify the meaning of that great Australian adjective, “Bastards”.

    This is one of my cartoons on it (others there as well)……………………..




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